Here’s how to list, start and stop Windows services on a remote computer using PowerShell:
[reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.ServiceProcess") # List all services on the remote computer [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController]::GetServices('') # Stop the service and wait for it to change status $service = (new-object System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController('Service name','')) $service.WaitForStatus('Stopped',(new-timespan -seconds 5)) $service.Stop() # Start the service again $service.Start()
This can come in really handy in deployment scripts, etc.
(Parts of this post came from The PowerShell Guy).
Update: In the earlier version of this post I used new-object every time I needed a reference to the service. That’s not necessary, it’s much prettier to use a variable for the reference, so I have now updated the code.