Listing remote branches with commit author and age of last commit

Here’s a simple bash script that shows how to enumerate remote Git branches:

for k in `git branch -r | perl -pe 's/^..(.*?)( ->.*)?$/\1/'`; do echo -e `git show --pretty=format:"%ci\t%cr\t%an" $k -- | head -n 1`\\t$k; done | sort -r

The resulting output looks like this:

2019-09-26 20:42:44 +0200 8 weeks ago Emil Åström origin/master
2019-09-26 20:42:44 +0200 8 weeks ago Emil Åström origin/HEAD
2019-05-17 23:06:41 +0200 6 months ago Emil Åström origin/fix/travis-test-errors
2018-04-21 23:16:57 +0200 1 year, 7 months ago Emil Åström origin/fix/nlog-levels

For a selection of other fields to include, see the git-show documentation.

(Adapted from

Setting the font of a PowerShell console to Lucida Console won’t work

Ever tried changing the font of a PowerShell console to Lucida Console, only to see the setting gone the next time you open the console? In that case, you’re not alone! I’ve been pulling my hair over this problem many times but today I decided to investigate it further.

There are several different solutions and none of them worked for me. For some people it helps if you set the font size to something other than 12 points, but not for me. For others it helps to start the console as administrator, but not for me. And here’s a strange thing: In a good old Command Prompt (CMD.EXE) Lucida Console works as a default font with no problem at all. It’s only in PowerShell console I can’t set it as default.A few of these tricks are discussed at

My problem turned out to be different as it was related to the regional settings of my Windows installations. The problem is described very briefly by a Microsoft support engineer here. Apparently Lucide Console “is not properly supported on CJK languages and other languages that are not localized by PowerShell (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew, etc.)”. It seems that Swedish belongs to the same category of languages that for some reason is not deemed compatible with Lucida Console. Strange thing is that it works perfectly when setting it on the console instance…

Anyway, to fix the problem all I had to do was to change my system locale to “English (United States)”:

Setting system locale to a language that is "supported" for Lucida Console solves the problem...

Setting system locale to a language that is “supported” for Lucida Console solves the problem…

Voila, my PowerShell prompt is pretty everytime I open it, instead of using the ugly “Raster Fonts” which it falled back to before.

The problem description that Lucida Console is not compatible with all languages makes very little sense to me, but at least my problem is solved.


Retrieving the message count for MSMQ queues

Sometimes it can be useful to retrieve the number of messages in an MSMQ queue, for example for monitoring. However, it’s not immediately apparent how to do it if you google it, so here are my thoughts on the subject.

Other blog posts suggest iterating over messages (e.g. Counting Messages in an MSMQ MessageQueue from C#) or doing it using WMI. WMI is the best alternative in my opinion and if you want a quick way of doing it then PowerShell is the easiest:

$queues = Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_msmq_MSMQQueue
$queues | ft -property Name,MessagesInQueue

The result will be something similar to this:

Name                                                         MessagesInQueue
----                                                         ---------------
active714\private$\notify_queue$                                           0
active714\private$\deltagarloggservice\deltagarloggservi...                0
active714\private$\order_queue$                                            0
active714\private$\admin_queue$                                            0
Computer Queues                                                           27

This can also be done on remote machines:

$host = ...
$cred = get-credential
$queues = Get-WmiObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_msmq_MSMQQueue -computer $host -credential $cred
$queues | ft -property Name,MessagesInQueue

The Get-Credential Cmdlet will display a login dialog which is fine in interactive sessions but if you need to set the credentials in a non-interactive script, then the tip in this blog post might help: PowerShell – How to create a PSCredential object.

Retrieving message counts from code takes a little more coding but here’s an example in C# that searches for a given queue and returns its message count:

private static int GetMsmqMessageCount(string queuePath, string machine,
  string username, string password)
  var options = new ConnectionOptions
    {Username = username, Password = password};
  var path = string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\CIMv2", machine);
  var scope = new ManagementScope(path, options);

  string queryString = 
    String.Format("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_msmq_MSMQQueue WHERE Name = '{0}'",
  var query = new ObjectQuery(queryString);

  var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query);

  IEnumerable<int> messageCountEnumerable = 
    from ManagementObject queue in searcher.Get()
    select (int) (UInt64) queue.GetPropertyValue("MessagesInQueue");

  return messageCountEnumerable.First();

This code also uses WMI but this time we do a query rather than enumerate all queues.

The above snippets has worked well for us so I felt it would be useful to post them here. Please leave a comment if you have issues with them or suggestions for improvement!


Log file searching using PowerShell

I recently had to do some IIS log file parsing to solve a performance problem and it turned out that PowerShell was a very useful tool for doing this. I thought it might be a good idea to share a few one-liners for the benefit of others (as well as myself the next time I need to do it).

Here we go:

Get-Item *.log | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt "2011-09-01" } | Select-String 'foobar'

The above line retrieves a collection of files filtered so that only files with the “.log” extension is matched. It then checks that the last modification time is later than a given date and finally it selects and displays all content lines containing the string “foobar”.

To make it search for files recursively in sub-folder, switch the Get-Item cmdlet for something like Get-ChildItem . -recurse. This can look like this:

Get-ChildItem . -recurse -filter *.log | Select-String 'foobar' | Select-Object -property Path, Line

(Note that is that example we also limit the display to include the properties (file) Path and (matched) Line to make the result easier to read.)

If you want to analyze the results in detail it’s probably a good idea to output the results to a file:

Get-Item *.log | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -gt "2011-09-01" } | Select-String 'foobar' | Add-Content foobarsearchresult.txt

Note that we use the Add-Content cmdlet instead of piping (using the > operator) in order to avoid newlines at the console width position in the file.

To display the number of matched lines in the files (assuming we created several search result files above), we can do things like this:

Get-Item *.txt | % { $_.Name; get-content $_ | measure-object }

The result will be similar to this:

Count    : 10
Average  :
Sum      :
Maximum  :
Minimum  :
Property :

Count    : 122
Average  :
Sum      :
Maximum  :
Minimum  :
Property :

Apparently we had 10 lines in the ‘searchresult_foo.txt’ file and 122 in ‘searchresult_bar.txt’. This was enough to find my problem (which happened to be an overambitious SharePoint search crawl, but that’s another story…).

Before I stopped, I couldn’t resist creating a slightly prettier line count report:

Get-Item  *.txt | % { Write-Host ("{0,-50} " -f $_.Name) -NoNewLine; get-content $_ | measure-object | % { "{0,10} lines" -f $_.Count } }

The result is now:

searchresult_foo.txt                                       10 lines
searchresult_bar.txt                                      122 lines

Besides giving prettier results, this script also prints the name of each file before actually counting the lines in it. This gives nice feedback to the user when the files are large and the counting takes time.

PowerShell is really becoming an increasingly important tool in my toolbox…


Retrieving domain information in Powershell

Here’s how to retrieve the current domain:


The result is a System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain object:

Forest                  :
DomainControllers       : {,}
Children                : {}
DomainMode              : Windows2008R2Domain
Parent                  :
PdcRoleOwner            :
RidRoleOwner            :
InfrastructureRoleOwner :
Name                    :


Array or no array in Powershell? Why using @(…) is a good idea.

Here’s a funny thing in Powershell:

PS C:\> cd C:\WINDOWS\system32
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> (dir *.dll).GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                           BaseType
-------- -------- ----                           --------
True     True     Object[]                       System.Array

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> (dir kernel32.dll).GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                           BaseType
-------- -------- ----                           --------
True     True     FileInfo                       System.IO.FileSystemInfo

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>

See what’s happening? If dir (or actually Get-ChildItem) finds several items matching our criteria then it returns an array, which is what you’d expect. But if the cmdlet finds just a single item then that item is returned directly instead of being encapsulated into an array. If you’re unexperienced with Powershell then that’s probably not what you’re expecting.

For example, this script will not always work as expected:

if ((dir *.dll).Length -gt 1) { 'many items' }

If there is more than 1 matching item then all will be fine, but if exactly one item is found then that script will break. And worse, it will break without the user noticing since no exception is thrown. It will simply print out ‘many items’ in this case, even though there is just one item. To understand why, try this:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> (dir kernel32.dll).Length

What happens is that dir returns one item, of type FileInfo, which happens to have a property called Length which contains the size of the file. Thus we’re calling System.IO.FileInfo.Length instead of System.Array.Length… Very confusing!

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to make sure that you always get an array, namely the @(…) construct which does nothing if its expression evaluates to an array and if it doesn’t, encapsulates it into one.


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> @(dir kernel32.dll).Length
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> if (@(dir *.dll).Length -gt 1) { 'many items' }

To sum it up: Always use @(…) if you want to work with arrays! Note that this applies to all cmdlets, not just Get-Childitem!


Listing and resuming workflow instances

We recently had a need to list suspended Workflow Foundation 4 instances hosted in Windows Server AppFabric from code, and here’s how to do it:

SqlInstanceQueryProvider provider = new SqlInstanceQueryProvider();
var providerArgs = new NameValueCollection { { "connectionString", _instanceStoreConnectionString } };
provider.Initialize("WfInstanceProviderA", providerArgs);

InstanceQuery query = provider.CreateInstanceQuery();
var args = new InstanceQueryExecuteArgs { InstanceStatus = InstanceStatus.Suspended };

IAsyncResult asyncResult = query.BeginExecuteQuery(args, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 30), null, null);
IEnumerable instances = query.EndExecuteQuery(asyncResult);

By the way, this requires a reference to Microsoft.ApplicationServer.StoreManagement.dll which is installed with AppFabric.

Resuming the workflow instances can be done like this:

SqlInstanceControlProvider provider = new SqlInstanceControlProvider();
var providerArgs = new NameValueCollection { { "connectionString", _instanceStoreConnectionString } };
provider.Initialize("WfInstanceProviderA", providerArgs);

InstanceControl control = provider.CreateInstanceControl();

foreach (InstanceInfo instanceInfo in instances)
    InstanceCommand cmd = new InstanceCommand
        CommandType = CommandType.Resume,
        InstanceId = instanceInfo.InstanceId,
        ServiceIdentifier = instanceInfo.HostInfo.HostMetadata

    // Not included in instanceInfo.HostInfo.HostMetadata...
    cmd.ServiceIdentifier["VirtualPath"] = 

    IAsyncResult asyncResult = control.CommandSend.BeginSend(cmd,
        new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 30), null, null);

AppFabric also has some great PowerShell cmdlets for administration that can be used for the same thing. Here are a few examples:

Import-Module ApplicationServer
Get-ASAppServiceInstance -status 'suspended'
Get-ASAppServiceInstance -status 'suspended' | Resume-ASAppServiceInstance
Get-ASAppServiceInstance -status 'suspended' | Stop-ASAppServiceInstance -Terminate
Get-ASAppServiceInstance -status 'suspended' | Remove-ASAppServiceInstance
Get-ASAppServiceInstance -InstanceId 95a25419-0d71-42c4-ab70-aa523ba603fc
Get-ASAppServiceInstance -InstanceId 95a25419-0d71-42c4-ab70-aa523ba603fc | Suspend-ASAppServiceInstance

Yet another alternative is to query the AppFabric persistance store database directly using SQL:

FROM [AppFabric_Application_Extensions].[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancesTable]
WHERE IsSuspended=1

Choose the alternative most to your liking 🙂


Working with cultureinfo in PowerShell

As a simple example of working with culture information in PowerShell, here’s how to list Swedish monthnames:

(new-object system.globalization.cultureinfo("sv-SE")).DateTimeFormat.MonthNames

The result is an array:


Try doing that in a BAT file… 🙂


Powershell script to kill long-running processes

Here’s a small script to kill all Word or Excel-processes that have been running for more than 5 minutes. This can be useful on a server that launches those applications to generate documents. You probably shouldn’t do it that way but if you do you’re likely to discover that the processes don’t always terminate as they should. In those situations, a script like this can come in handy.

$startTimeLimit = (get-date) - (new-timespan -minutes 5)
$processes_to_kill = get-process | 
    where {$_.StartTime -lt $startTimeLimit -and ($_.path -like "*winword.exe" -or $_.path -like "*excel.exe") }
if ($processes_to_kill -ne $null)
    $processes_to_kill | foreach { $_.Kill() }
